IIT Publications Search

Dautan D., Monai A., Maltese F., Chang X., Molent C., Mauro D., Galbusera A., Vecchia D., Antonelli F., Benedetti A., Drago F., Leggio G.M., Pagani M., Fellin T., Gozzi A., Schumann G., Manago F., Papaleo F.
Cortico-cortical transfer of socially derived information gates emotion recognition
Nature Neuroscience
Molent C., Chiacchierini G., Bernardi F., Zianni E., Gardoni F., Bandiera T., Bertozzi F., Ragozzino R., Papaleo F.
Depletion of microglia in adolescent mice impairs discrimination of others’ emotions and alters the activity of somatostatin-positive neurons in the prelimbic cortex
EMBO Workshop "Microglia in health and disease"
Poster Conference
Antonelli F., Bernardi F., Managò F., Papaleo F.
Emotions modulation on interbrain dynamics
FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Vienna, Austria
Poster Conference
Gregorio I., Russo L., Torretta E., Barbacini P., Contarini G., Pacinelli G., Bizzotto D., Moriggi M., Braghetta P., Papaleo F., Gelfi C., Moro E., Cescon M.
GBA1 inactivation in oligodendrocytes affects myelination and induces neurodegenerative hallmarks and lipid dyshomeostasis in mice
Molecular Neurodegeneration, vol. 19, (no. 1)
Stuefer A., Balasco L., Colombo G., Gini S., Coletta L., DEpifanio B., Rocchi F., Montani C., Alvino F.G., Sastre-Yagüe D., Galbusera A., Aldrighetti M., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Lau Poui Cheung P., Papaleo F., Iurilli G., Armirotti A., Bozzi Y., Cancedda L., Lombardo M., Gozzi A.
Neocortical Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance During Early Development Leads to Permanent Socio-Behavioral, Transcriptomic and Connectivity Alterations
Gordon Research Conference - Fragile X and Autism Related Disorders
Poster Conference
Monai A., Antonelli F., Molent C., Managò F., Carta I., Pacinelli G., Benedetti A., Walle R., Niello M., Stubbendorff C., Papaleo F.
Prelimbic versus anterior cingulate cortex impacts in emotion recognition in mice
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2024, Chicago, USA
Poster Conference
Maltese F., Pacinelli G., Monai A., Bernardi F., Capaz A.M., Niello M., Walle R.A.B., de Leon N., Managò F., Leroy F., Papaleo F.
Self-experience of a negative event alters responses to others in similar states via prefrontal cortex-CRF mechanisms
Nature Neuroscience
Article in Press Journal
Geraci F., Passiatore R., Penzel N., Laudani S., Bertolino A., Blasi G., Graziano A.C.E., Kikidis G.C., Mazza C., Parihar M., Rampino A., Sportelli L., Trevisan N., Drago F., Papaleo F., Sambataro F., Pergola G., Leggio G.M.
Sex dimorphism controls dysbindin-related cognitive dysfunctions in mice and humans with the contribution of COMT
Molecular Psychiatry
Alvino F.G., Gini S., Minetti A., Pagani M., Sastre-Yague D., Barsotti N., De Guzman E., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Kushan L., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M.V., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C.E., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-dependent developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
DOI 10.1101/2024.03.29.587339 Article E-print Archive
Alvino F.G., Gini S., Minetti A., Pagani M., Sastre-Yagüe D., Barsotti N., De Guzman E., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Kushan L., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M.V., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C.E., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-dependent developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
DOI 10.1101/2024.03.29.587339 Article E-print Archive
Gini S., Alvino F.G., Minetti A., Sastre-Yagüe D., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Pagani M., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-related developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Organization for Human Brain Mapping
Poster Conference
Walle R., Sendra C., Managò F., Bimpisidis Z., Pacinelli G., Benedetti A., Antonelli F., Monai A., Molent C., Carta I., Stubbendorff C., Papaleo F.
Unravel the role of prefrontal cortex noradrenergic circuit in social cognition
Society of Neuroscience
Poster Conference
Requie L.M., Gomez-Gonzalo M., Speggiorin M., Manago F., Melone M., Congiu M., Chiavegato A., Lia A., Zonta M., Losi G., Henriques V.J., Pugliese A., Pacinelli G., Marsicano G., Papaleo F., Muntoni A.L., Conti F., Carmignoto G.
Author Correction: Astrocytes mediate long-lasting synaptic regulation of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons (Nature Neuroscience, (2022), 25, 12, (1639-1650), 10.1038/s41593-022-01193-4)
Nature Neuroscience, vol. 26, (no. 6)
Rogdaki M., Devroye C., Ciampoli M., Veronese M., Ashok A.H., McCutcheon R.A., Jauhar S., Bonoldi I., Gudbrandsen M., Daly E., van Amelsvoort T., Van Den Bree M., Owen M.J., Turkheimer F., Papaleo F., Howes O.D.
Correction: Striatal dopaminergic alterations in individuals with copy number variants at the 22q11.2 genetic locus and their implications for psychosis risk: a [18F]-DOPA PET study (Molecular Psychiatry, (2023), 28, 5, (1995-2006), 10.1038/s41380-021-01108-y)
Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 28, (no. 5)
Chiacchierini G., Molent C., Bernardi F., Zianni E., Gardoni F., Papaleo F.
SINS 2023, Italian Society for Neuroscience
Poster Conference